Thursday, 19 February 2009

And another one

This morning was a fantastic reminder of the things I love about this counrty of ours. Spring was in the air snowdrops were bathing in the glorious sunshine, daffodils were waiting to open and the crocuses were just ready to bloom.
I took a brisk walk through our local park to take some early morning photographs and was surprised at the lack of dog walkers. Usually it abounds with the beasts and their animals - suddenly out of knowhere a massive dog comes rushing at me gnashers ready to tear me from limb to limb, growling and frothing at the mouth. I picked up a fallen branch to protect myself from the monster.
"Don't worry shouted it's owner - he's only playing - don't hurt him". 'Playing'! I screamed. "Playing - I wouldn't want to meet him when he's angry then - how do you think I could hurt him - he's the size of a Rhino?"
Off she wandered with not a clue of the panic inside my chest and I love dogs -it's the owners who need training.
Further along the track I encountered my first half empty person of the day. "Good morning - what a glorious day," Says I. "It's very nice indeed," he replied with a smile. Just when I thought I'd met my first half full person of the day, he said. "We never get two the same though do we?" So I responded. "Aye but it'd be a boring life if they were the same would it not". "Aye suppose so," he said as trundled on his way. You could physically see his shoulders drop as he realised I wasn't going to share in his gloom.
Ah well another walk tomorrow!

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