Sunday, 8 March 2009

Brrrrh put another log ont fire

As I write - it's snowing like hell in Hornsea and I'm watching all the 'Cumfor's' scurrying too and fro in their summer frocks to escape the cold. (Cumfor's are what we in Hornsea call the tourists because they alway's CUMFOR day)

Friends were telling me a month ago to shed my thermals and go native (Not a chance) I'll wait until May.

Never shed a clout till May is out is a true old saying

That said. I don't feel as if this winter (2009) has been too bad -OK we've had a bit of snow and ice but I think in general the East coast has got away with it lightly. Indeed as I look out of the window the snow has already turned to slush. I think it's nature rattling it's last sabre to remind us we are never as much in charge as we think!

'So onto the Spring - the birds that sing

The sweet gentle smell of the flowers

The warm summer sun

The bees that hum

And the noise of the gardeners mower

The Autumnal colours of yellow and brown

The leaves in the garden all blown down

Around once again to whence we started

The snow on the ground and the 'Cumfor's' departed

Written by - B Chessman March 2009

Have a good time where ever you are Speak soon

1 comment:

  1. Hessle is suffering the same typically late winter weather Barry: Rain, hail, snow, wind, sun, thunder & lightening. Other than that - it's fine!!
